Quote Originally Posted by B Bop View Post
I believe it was Sir Stirling Moss who said, "I remember a time when sex was safe and racing was dangerous"
Not that I want races to be littered with dead bodies....but safety measures have killed the racing in some areas.

I don't even know how a driver could get hurt in an F1 car these days short of driving it off a high cliff. The newer designed tracks are sucky due to that and....well the eccentric's that run the show.

I agree with W.R. about Le Mans. If you've ever driven the track in simulation you know that about the only exciting part of the track(before chicanes) was breaking 200mph on the long uninterrupted straight. The Porsche curves are very fast...but overall it's a fairly boring track compared to a lot of them.

And for Ferrer....WTCC isn't racing...it's an organized traffic jam for people with short attention spans...then they reverse the grid to convert it to pure artificial racing.