Commodore to NASCAR confirmed | Fox Sports

Chevrolet confirmed what had been rumored for several months: The 2013 Chevrolet model raced in the Sprint Cup Series next year will be called the SS.

The SS will be a V-8 powered, rear-wheel-drive performance sedan.

Chevrolet said the street version of the Chevrolet SS will be badged as a 2014 model and will go on sale in late 2013. It will be the first rear-wheel-drive Chevrolet sedan sold in the United States for 17 years.

I find this last bit amazing. Still the yanks will have a decent rwd sedan and if they can restrain themselves form putting scoops and fins and bling all over it a nice looking one at that.

Question for NASCAR aficionados. Surely the Chevs that run in that race are rwd. Are the chassis all just a formula type design?