Hey everyone,

For those new guys that don't know me, I am a long time American UCP forum troll. My participation started dropping off during my last year of law school a couple years ago. After graduating law school I joined a midsized civil general practice law firm. Then my participation went to zero.

Since then my wife gave birth to my son, Lincoln, last May. Last December I left my firm and took a job as an associate/in house counsel at a venture capital firm. I have never been this happy at work and I love this new job.

Needless to say I have been extremely busy. Things have started to calm down as I have gotten into a groove with parenting and the new job. I plan to participate more, although not as much as I used to.

As a means of keeping friends and family up to date on my incessant ranting and as a way to pass time during harsh Nebraska winters I started a blog about finance, venture capital, politics and cars. I will do most of my posting on there but I will try to copy and paste them on here (at least the cars and politics). If you are interested, the blog is http://fast-carsandfreedom.blogspot.com/

Pictures of the baby can be found on http://jarameybaby.blogspot.com/