Torres, 41, Sets Records At Olympic Swim Trials : NPR

Here's the scoop. This lady has been swimming her entire life and has been to several olympics. I believe (but i could be wrong) that she set the old record in her mid to late 20's. But she just set the new US record at the age of 41. She also had a baby just a couple years ago.

Many people are celebrating this amazing story blah blah blah

other people are saying that it seems too good to be true and maybe she's on something. Although she personally went and got tested at one of the premier steroid testing centers and she came out clean.

Here's my take:

I know that they have new super fast swimsuits now that they never had before but 41 years of age is a lot of years. In general in almost all sports athletes peak in their mid to late 20's and start to decline by their mid 30's. Even in very low impact sports like golf once you get old enough your body just isn't as good as it used to be (hence why jack nicklaus cant compete on the tour anymore). And swimming is a lot tougher on your body than golf is.

In addition to your body not being as strong, quick, and powerful as it used to be when you were younger, your recovery time is a lot longer when you are older. Hell, i remember when i was a kid i sprained my ankle playing football (us) and i was back on it again the next day. A year ago i sprained my ankle and it took me 3 days before i could use it like normal. I cant imagine how long the recovery time will be when im 40. And its not just recovering from injuries, its also just recovering from a tough workout. This lady competed in a different trial the day before she won this. I think a 41 year old would be pretty stiff in the morning compared to a 20 year old.

Also, steroid technology right now is several years ahead of steroid testing technology so i dont know how much faith i have in steroid tests.

So while i hope her story is true and there are no roids, the unemotional (common sense) part of my brain is telling me its too good to be true.

There's my take, Whats yours?