I've asked for the "new posts" to work better in the past as it was a minor annoyance.

After coming back to UCP after a couple of weeks it is now VERY annoying

I got one chance to look over the actual new posts since my last visit.

I spent abotu 30 mins looking over some of the topics and now the "new posts" list only shows me new since some time eraly today. NOT the 'new' to me since the last visit.

The way "new posts" works isn't obvious as it clearly resets itself indepoendant of the users actions and there isn't a way to over ride it and see new posts from a user perspective.

Can we PLEASE get a handle on how it works - why did it 'reset' itse;f 30 mins in to a session.

Secondly, can we PLEASE get a 'better' new posts option that lets US control what is considered 'new'.

It's just painful and annoying the way it is if you've been away for any lehgth of time.

IN ADVANCE, I have to say sorry to anyone posted a new thread or reply looking for a response from me But I can't see a way to see them without manually goign through each fourm/sub-forum, which is just plain NOT gonna happen

I'm away back to the pub, life was simpler whilst I avoided hangover by staying drunk !!