Quote Originally Posted by shr0olvl
2-3 times more ? Thats 600 to 900 $$. I don't think many people buy top of the line vid cards esp. that high just to play a game. I don't no where you buy your vid cards but that seems pretty high. The TOP of the line vid card cost like $600 but you don't really need that. You can get a badass vid card for $200 that works great on almost all games that i know of... http://www.pricewatch.com I have a POS GeForce MX 400 that plays most games pretty good and I know a Radeon 9600 XT 128mb can run the games im playing really good and it only costs $100 and thats basically all you need.
My point is that cutting edge hardware in the PC world is expensive, and gaming is no exception. Not everyone buys cutting edge but even middle ground is expensive. Not to mention a SLI motherboard will allow you to run two PCI-E video cards (doubling the price).

I don’t buy top-end and I know you can get relatively inexpensive video cards that run well. However, at what price to buy PC hardware is very subjective so I did not see any reason to get into all that.