Tragic day for the WRC. Of course our thoughts are with Michael Park's family.
The last death of a front line driver or co-driver in WRC was in the 1993 Rally of Australia (maybe there have been drivers/co-drivers towards the rear of the field who died - I don't remember). Possum Borne's Subaru went off the road into some solid trees and co-driver Roger Freeth was killed instantly. There were a lot of similarities in that crash with this one. Unfortunately, trees don't move, and the roll cage and side structure of a rally car can only be so strong. After Freeth was killed, Bourne decided to keep driving - declaring that it was what Freeth would want him to do. He returned to competition in the very next round of the Asia-Pacific championship which he was leading at the time of the accident. Bourne went on to win the 1993 Asia-Pacific series and dedicated his victory to Freeth.
It is too soon to know, but maybe Martin will decide to keep driving. It's probably what Park would want him to do. Certainly, while Martin will understandably feel quilty, it was just an accident.
It is unfortunate that Bourne is no longer with us following a tragic road accident in 2003 - he would probably have been the best person to help Martin though the aftermath.