You've not done yourself any favours with that last post.

1) You know just as much about Charley as CovSucks. IE; very, very little. a short bio on the BB website and 5 minutes of google does not a person decipher.
2) You most certainly know nothing of what she knows. including what her beliefs are RE race and prejudices. Living in SE london you'd expect her to be at least slightly familiar with rap culture.
3) you did call him an 11 year old girl.
4)The terminology of using the word "nigger" in such company. she knew nothing of how they would react and in fact should have had the good sense to recognise that it's a hugely offensive term and not to use it. ever.
5) i understand you have a better understanding of Rap culture etc than i do because of your taste in music and who you idolise, but i fail to see in what, if any, context it's cool for a white person to call a black person "nigger".
6) I'd hardly call someone who's on Big Brother a "Celebrity".
7) be VERY careful what you wish for in regards to who you pick battles with. because i guarantee you will lose, if you choose to battle Cov.

Friendly warning