The Flawless GT-R Has a Fault?
April 28th, 2008

Word is getting around the traps that the transmission in the famously destructive R35 GT-R may be wearing out faster than expected. MCR, one of the lucky Japanese tuning houses to have a GT-R, have reported that initial inspections are showing unexpected signs of wear in the transmission; raising fears that the GT-R is not as flawless as we’d all hoped.

Perhaps if it were a more expensive car, the gearbox would be less likely to shoot out random cogs and cut your leg off at the knee. Not that it’s going to do that.

MCR’s inspection has lead them to conclude that the transmission’s lifespan—at least if used as heavily as they do—may be no longer than 12 months if the engine’s power is tweaked. Of course, with the V-Spec model on the way, we may soon see a stronger gearbox available.