Nuclear fission and renewables have to be the way in the medium term. IN the long term, Fusion (if we can work it) and renewables have to the the way, as they are both essentially limitless for human civilization timescales. One day I realized that no matter what, we will run out of oil/natural gas in any case. May as well make the transition to green energy now and not cause climate/human/animal.

Chornobyl was a disaster in more ways than one. Ontario is phasing out 1/3 of our big reactors (nukes are about 50% of the grid, hydro 30%, renewables a bulk of the rest, and we run a gas plant or two to cover "topping" and smooth the load I think). The new Hitachi SMRs are going to be installed at another plant a bit further east.

To your point NSX, I do not see a plan for dealing with an large influx of transportation running on batteries. Sad! What is the plan!?