Quote Originally Posted by KnifeEdge_2K1
1.5 turbo charged F1 engines from way back, ran on methanol or something, cant remember the name
No they ran on high-octane petroleum.

HOWEVER, there was a famous incident when it came to light that oil company BASF-Wintershall had been using a fuel concoction, (passed by FISA as legal) that was in fact, literally, a rocket fuel from WW2 - ironically for the BMW engine.

There was lots of "innovation" from fuel companies back then. Elf were supplying Renault with 20-odd different high-octane mixes and supposedly inluding 2 mixes in the car. At the touch of a switch the driver could swicth to a higher octancve for short "boost" on the straights Couldn't do it for long as it destroyed the valves !!!

Some of the esoteric additives ( and even the well known ones ) were highly dangerous in contact with skin so FIA changed the rules to limit what additives were permissable. BUT it has always been a petroleum base.