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Thread: 280KM/H and still alive lol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Hey what's up y'all. I'm back again in this forum. Too busy for posting some threads.Business before and fun after.
    Police has revoked my driving license last week cause. They caught my car speeding at 282km/h on the highway. I have been flashed once again. Goddamn Country.
    Never try this at home son. I have filmed some good stuff of my buddy driving my Carrera 4 at 254km/h that's crazy. We will try to shot the 280km/h... it will be crazy. next week I will post all this videos and pictures.(If we don't crash lol God bless us). Where can I put the videos??? there are no space on ultimatecarpage.

    take a look at that's my buddy Kimble's website, the fat man of the Gumball. You can find good stuffs on his website and if you want some shots of the 2004 Gumball, take a look at Ant's website. The man driving a BMW Diesel in the Gumball3000...craziest drive like crazy lol....

    have a nice day and don't drive fast but fly.... lol
    Last edited by Swissbeatz; 07-08-2004 at 05:02 PM.
    Il me faut une caisse dans les 300 et le GPS

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hamilton Ontario, Canada
    I'm not wishing this on you, but ...... when you die I hope you are alone.

    Let me elaborate ... you seem fascinated with going incredible speeds (tho in all honesty I don't believe you own the cars you have previously made claim to) on public roads with total disregard for yours or anyone elses safety ... I pray that if you lose control of your car by error or mechanical issue I hope the only person who's life is in jeopardy is yours.

    Please do me a favour, the next time you pull a stupid act such as this, mount a video cam inside the car... it might just capture the moment.

    I could not be happier knowing that I - or my family - do not share any road with you.

    I realize this post is unbecoming of a moderator ... but I feel it needs to be said.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    [QUOTE=NoOne]Let me elaborate ... you seem fascinated with going incredible speeds (tho in all honesty I don't believe you own the cars you have previously made claim to) on public roads with total disregard for yours or anyone elses safety ... I pray that if you lose control of your car by error or mechanical issue I hope the only person who's life is in jeopardy is yours.

    Nice to meet you once again Noone. I don't have to prove anything but if you don't believe that this carrera is not mine that's your opinion man. And that's not the first time I'm making speed on the highway, it was at 2AM and the road was empty. I love speed, it's dangerous I know but it's not the speed who kill, it's the spid guy who think that he can handle a car at 250km/h who kills, it's the guy who is drugged or drunked who kill not the speed. Take a look at the Gumball or something like that and tell me if they all crashed theur cars. They are speeding at 320km/h on an open road and everybody is safe and why?? Cause they know their car, they are not drunked or drugged and the know what knid of danger you can meet on a road.

    and just my cars are on if you don't believe me sorry about that. Have a nice day and God bless u
    Il me faut une caisse dans les 300 et le GPS

    BMW Z3 1.9L (sold)
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    nr Edinburgh, Whisky-soaked Scotland
    Quote Originally Posted by Swissbeatz
    ..I love speed, it's dangerous I know but it's not the speed who kill, it's the spid guy who think that he can handle a car at 250km/h who kills,
    You say it and yet don't believe it.
    it's the guy who is drugged or drunked who kill not the speed.
    Excessove speed for the circumstances is what kills.
    Take a look at the Gumball or something like that and tell me if they all crashed theur cars. They are speeding at 320km/h on an open road and everybody is safe and why?? Cause they know their car, they are not drunked or drugged and the know what knid of danger you can meet on a road.
    That's BS, there have been some bad smashes on Gumball.

    It continues because we have free societies and so far no innocents have been injured ( or worse ) killed.

    When it does watch the whole thing end VERY quickly.
    An accident with a bystander WILL be classed as homicide and rightly so.
    The idea of 10 years in jail will take the stupid idiots somewhere else !!

    I'd prefer you to show me you doing a lap of a circuit.
    Nordschleiffe isn't THAT far a drive for you ( i've done it to Verbier ) and you can then REALLY test your so-called "skill".

    WHilst you go fast on a motoroway you only show stupidity and bravado.
    That's nothing to do with fast cars or competent driving.

    I'd prefer you NOT to post your vids.
    Host them somewhere else if you have to.

    "A woman without curves is like a road without bends, you might get to your destination quicker but the ride is boring as hell'

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Originally in Romania, now in Canada
    Going that fast on a highway is not cool. Yes, I admit, doing a 10 second drag would be fun but not going more than 200 km/h. Jeez, I just can't believe there are these kind of people out there. It makes you think twice before getting into a car. I don't usually pray for people to die because it is just awful but I hope God will do something to get the crazy drivers off the streets.
    "To control 800 horsepower relying just on arm muscles and foot sensitivity can turn out to be a dangerous exercise."
    Michael Schumacher

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf03
    I don't usually pray for people to die because it is just awful but I hope God will do something to get the crazy drivers off the streets.
    What you wish for someone else is what you will live. So keep your bad wishes for you and your familly.

    I don't use to make speed every time. I just use to do such stupidity when the road is empty and when the conditions are good for that. First I have done my 280km/h in Freiburg im Brisgau it's in Germany, in a non-limit speed road. I have been flashed by a radar at the begining of the swiss and german border cause I have not seen that the limit speed was 100km/h not unlimited on this part of the road and then I have hit the brakes slowly but it was too late. In Switzerland the speed limit is 120km/h and there since the begining of the year the Police can keep your car if they catch you at 150km/h on the highway. So I don't want to lose my car and go in jail just for the speed.

    So the thread is ended that's my bad and I know that so let's talk about others things more interesting.
    Il me faut une caisse dans les 300 et le GPS

    BMW Z3 1.9L (sold)
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    if u wanna go fast why not go to a track?

    even when the roads are dark at night there are still hidden dangers, what if a guy's taillights are out? if he was travelling speed limit and you're going 280 the speed difference is 180 kph thats almost 120 mph. with low visibility conditions of night you may not see him till the last minute. although U may be a great driver (though i highly doubt it) others may not be and react in unpredictable ways

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands
    To be honest, I have no qualms about telling you that, no matter what you drive, or how good a driver you are, driving at that speed, on a public road, you must have a death wish.

    Good on you for using your cars potential, but you deserved to have your licence taken away.

    For once the police did act in the interests of everybody, not just to revenue raise.....
    <cough> </cough>

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    You guys, are we calling all the motoring journalists who take Brabus Mercs out on empty Autobahns up to their top speeds stupid law disrepsecting idiots??

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    For Tax Purposes, Cayman Islands

    Those types of cars should really only be let out in the capable hands of safe drivers, such as journalists who spend all their time testing cars and finding out where they are most unsafe (Mercedes A-Class???)

    In the hands of people who have the money, but i dare say not the skill, these things are deadly, no matter how much electronic gadgetry, no matter how safe the road.
    <cough> </cough>

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    anything with top speed or power like that should require a seperate class of license. something inbetween race license and your standard driver's license, heck i think there should be something between no license and driver's license, u should see some of the people on the road .. going at half the speed limit ... like if u need to drive that slow to be safe ... take a freaking bus

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    St Marys Western Sydney
    How about a High Performance license? I don't think racing licenses are that hard to obtain for those who truly know how to handle a car, so it wouldnt be much of an issue. I know though that for the 11 or so lucky buggers here that bought an M3 CSL, BMW is going to take the speed limiter off the car if they hold a CAMS C3 racing license.
    I am the Stig

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by IBrake4Rainbows
    Those types of cars should really only be let out in the capable hands of safe drivers, such as journalists who spend all their time testing cars.
    Most of these journalists like you said can't afford such cars. And making a car cost thousand of million dollars so the manufacturers must sell their cars.

    And I don't want to prove that speed is good but most of deadly accidents rarely involve super cars. 55% of accidents involve little or medium cars like Opel Astra, Ford focus and more. And on the highway 70% accidents involve big trucks. On the highway that's trucks who are dangerous. It's rare to see an accident where the driver was going at 260km/h and has lost the control of his car, very rare. I repeat I don't want to prove that speed is good.
    Owning a Porsche or a Ferrari or supercars like that doen't mean that you are driving a bomb and you will kill everybody if you are going fast. First if these cars were so dangerous the governements will not let such cars on the road. Have you ever drive a Porsche or a Ferrari?? with these cars it's impossible to cruise at 120km/h on the highway, exept if you put the cruise control. the Porsche has one of the best brake system in the world. I have tested it with my Porsche dealer on a track. Yes in Switzerland when you buy a Porsche or a Ferrari the dealer suggest that you test your car on a track in France or Germany. Cause it's not everybody who can handle such cars. I have this car since november 2003 and I know very well my car. When you are going at 250km/h and you hit the brake in under 3 sec the car is at 130km/h it's very impressive.
    Yes it's dangerous to drive at 280km/h I know that but go tell that to the german authority cause on the part of the highway where I was at 280 the speed was free, UNLIMITED. Why?? Sorry I don't know.

    Speed is not good but you shoud not say that these cars must only be for journalists or specialists. Cause the reality is different. Welcome in our world.
    Last edited by Swissbeatz; 07-08-2004 at 05:22 AM.
    Il me faut une caisse dans les 300 et le GPS

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    when I'm making speed on open road I rarely overpass others cars at 200km/h cause we don't know if they have look at their mirror or something like that. It's dangerous cause you know the car, you know the road, but you are not on the mind of the others drivers and you don't know what they can do. When I see a car at 150m in front of me or 200m I hit the brake cause it's dangerous and when I have overpassed him I hit the accelerator. that's it. The only thing I can't know is if an animal will cross the road. And I don't do speed on curves, too dangerous.

    That's it, but speed is not good cause you can't be sure at 100%that the road is good.
    Il me faut une caisse dans les 300 et le GPS

    BMW Z3 1.9L (sold)
    Mercedes SLK 230 (sold)
    Jaguar XK8 (sold)
    Porsche 996 Carrera 4 (for sale)
    2004 Mini Cooper
    Mercedes 2005 SLK 55 AMG (ordered)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Why/how you get your license revoked if there was no speed limit? Or are you talking about seperate locations?

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