Being a car affectionado, I have come across a problem that I am sure many of you have faced.

As long as i have been able to earn my own money, I have "wasted" it in Car magazines. After 5 years I have reached the point where I have no more room. I have been rearranging my personal space lately and found myself reflecting on the use of so many car mags. I have every single Road & Track since February 2001, many EVOs, a few Automobile, European car, Auto Hebdo and AutoSport.

On one side I have grown fond of them. I like sometimes going back to old mags and reading some nice articles. They Contributed a BIG chunk of my automotive education. They are like an old friend.

On the other hand, They are no mercantile value, some are in bad shape, and i WILL on day have to stop collecting them. Also, today i spend most of time surfing the internet for info, and articles. Pictures are also more numerous on the net.

SO, I am asking you, fellow UCPers, to share you experience with this, and maybe it will help me deal with this problem...