Quote Originally Posted by Fleet 500
It does? I did post that 3 high-ranking Japanese officials refused to surrender even days after the 1st and 2nd bombings.
I have explained. I am waiting for examples of U.S. military leaders.

Quote Originally Posted by Fleet 500
All right, enough with this "blind patriotism" garbage. Tell me, Crisis, what have you criticized your country about? Or do you have "blind patriotism?"
Let me begin then. Our current government is just as lamentable as yours in committing to the attack on Iraq. Even more so I would say as they blindly followed the U.S. based on nothing more that the propaganda that Bush fed to us all. Our government must share the responsibility to getting Iraq at least as safe as it was when Saddam was in power.
Our government is taking on a stance of that of a Little America in our region and it believes it has the right to influence internal affairs of other smaller nations.
Our ancestors were responsible for displacing the indigenous population of this country and in cases slaughtering them.
I could go on with many things I do not like about Australia. I don’t care. I like living here but I have no nationalistic ties nor do I excuse the failings of our governments or anyone else who is Australian.

Quote Originally Posted by Fleet 500
Iraq invaded Kuwait. The U.S. and coalition countries took action and removed Iraq from country and rules were set up (by the U.N.), including a no-fly zone for Iraq to obey. So stop your whining.
The U.S. invaded Iraq to get rid of someone they did not want running a country. They also achieved (at this point) an influence within that country and in turn the region by way of the government now in place which naturally owes its existence in part to the fact that the U.S. created an opportunity for them. No fly zones, WMDs, and talk of terrorist support are no more than bogus excuses in the same way that saving thousands of lives by killing thousands of others with nuclear weapons is. While apologists exist so will governments be able to garner support for whatever they want to do no matter how deplorable.

Quote Originally Posted by Fleet 500
I'm getting tired of you defending enemies like Iraq and Japan.
Examples please.