Quote Originally Posted by henk4
don't count on me for that....but indeed in Holland it is the law that you should let people merge.
Find a truck to squeeze in before.
I'll avoid Xantias...

Luckily there a lot of dutch people who drive in and around antwerp

I try to stay away from trucks, I'm always afraid that they can't brake. I've done it once in an emergency. I had to avoid some nut that changed lanes in front of me and if I wouldn't have changed lanes as well I would've rearended him. But while changing lanes I had this truck behind me that could barely brake. It was pretty close and scary.

Quote Originally Posted by PoRsChEnUt
have you ever seen a BMW with its indicator on?

On a side note: has nobody ever noticed that some 5-series (the new models) have this sort of orange strip above the lights that makes it look like the car has it's indicators on ? It's really dangerous.